Sunday, January 19, 2025

Wrestling with God in an Age of Doubt


When he taught at Union Theological Seminary in the 1960s, the great Jewish theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “If you want to have a well-attended lecture, discuss God and faith.” Since the beginning of human existence, we have longed for a deeper understanding of life, our place in the world and our relationship to the universe, seeking answers to the Big Questions: Does God exist? Why are we here? What is our purpose?

For all my life, I have professed a belief in God, even as I have struggled to understand the nature of God and why God often seems non-existent in a troubled world. Is my belief in God an irrational means of fulfilling an emotional need borne in childhood, or is there really some higher power that allows me to feel on rare occasions God’s presence? 

I was born the son of a Lutheran minister and grew up with an unquestioning acceptance of the teachings of my mainline Protestant faith. In the four decades since, my spiritual journey evolved into a deep affection for liberal Judaism and other more humanistic traditions. The more I study religion and history, the more I am convinced that the world’s many different religious expressions represent humanity’s imperfect attempt to understand God, the universe, and our purpose in life. And yet, I remain conflicted about religion and filled with doubt, about God and the relevance of religion in modern times. 

My confusion may have less to do with God than with humankind’s inability to satisfactorily explain the nature of God in an imperfect world. It may also be due to the propensity of religious institutions to insist on doctrinal certitudes that do not stand the test of time. I am frustrated by how often biblical literalism and religious fundamentalism everywhere drown out the gentler voices of religious reason and compassion. I am equally frustrated by secular society’s failure to appreciate the diversity and beauty of religious expression, and the compelling human need for God, purpose and meaning. 

This past November, I had a thoughtful discussion with my brother-in-law Art who, like many in my wife’s family, are proud secular Jews generally skeptical of formal religious practices. Art exemplifies the rational man of modern times. He is persuaded only by facts, reason, and evidence. “I’m curious about your belief in God,” he stated, non-judgmentally, while I sipped a glass of wine on the outside deck of their Florida condominium. Art was interested in learning why I believe religion continues to have relevance in modern times and why I continue to hold, if not religious convictions, at least a spiritual belief in a higher power. Reminiscent of Heschel’s seminary class, Art wanted to talk about God and faith. 

The most difficult problem for me in explaining why I believe in God starts with language. First, what do we mean by God? Are human beings really created in the image of God, as Judaism and Christianity traditionally teach, or is God a force of nature that humans are incapable of describing or fully understanding? Second, if God exists, why is there suffering and cruelty in the world? What kind of God would allow the devastation of wars, genocide, and other human atrocities? How can one believe in God after the Holocaust and Hiroshima? The questions are endless.

I explained to Art that, from my vantage point, a belief in God in no way conflicts with scientific knowledge and advancement. Religion has nothing to fear from science, as Heschel’s writings explain. Human beings are simply incapable of fully understanding God, whom Heschel describes as “ineffable” or beyond description. Heschel explains that all religious awareness and insight is rooted in “wonder” and “radical amazement.” Thus, evidence of God’s existence is all around us, in the reality and wonder of the universe and the miracle of life itself. 

Art was unmoved. “All of the things you mention,” he countered, “life, the universe, and our surroundings, have scientific origins and explanations.”

“Maybe so,” I said, “but this does not disprove God.” I pointed out that most rational, thoughtful people of faith believe that scientific knowledge, in the words of Heschel, “extends rather than limits the scope of the ineffable, and our radical amazement is enhanced rather than reduced by the advancement of knowledge.” Indeed, two things can be true simultaneously: that which we can measure, quantify, and prove objectively, and that which we experience on a deeper, spiritual level.

“I cannot prove the existence of God,” I said, “any more than someone can prove that God does not exist.” Nevertheless, as I read to Art from my 2009 essay (“In Defense of God: Faith in an Age of Unbelief”):

[W]hen I walk among the stars; when I stare at the moon on a warm summer evening; when I acknowledge the beautiful life presence of my two daughters, I experience God’s presence. When I observe the joy in a young child's heart over the embrace of a grandparent; when I watch the trees sway back and forth on a breezy fall day and feel the moistness of the ocean at my feet; when I experience all of these things, and the multitude of ordinary everyday events, I see, first-hand, evidence of God’s existence.

Art remained unconvinced. I understand. Clearly I am incapable of expressing in language what can only be experienced on a deeper, cosmic level. I suggested that the question of God’s existence is not much different than whether love exists, or the emotional power of music and poetry. Although we try to describe the warmth, passion, and intensity we feel from art and music, we cannot quantify them or prove they are real any more than we can prove that sensing God’s presence is real. 

Art countered that psychology and science provide better and more rational explanations for humankind’s emotional dependency on religion and a belief in God. “Maybe so,” I said. But evidence of God’s existence is all around if people are willing, as Heschel suggests, to open their hearts and minds to the wonder and radical amazement of our lives. The world, the vastness of the universe, the intricacies of life itself—all are so momentous that it seems irrational not to believe in some form of infinite force we call God, which created the universe and set everything in motion. Art’s facial expression revealed that I had not moved the needle for him. 

Fundamentally, I think the best I can do is accept that I am conflicted, caught between faith and rational thought. Perhaps this is what it means to be human. To embrace that doubt is a necessary component of a life that remains open to the advancement of human and scientific knowledge and to the mysterious wonder of the universe. 

If we submit everything to reason our religion will be left with nothing mysterious or supernatural. If we offend the principles of reason our religion will be absurd and ridiculous . . . There are two equally dangerous extremes: to exclude reason, to admit nothing but reason. – Blaise Pascal, Pensées (“Thoughts”) [circa 1660]

*     *    *    *

Many people understandably have given up on the idea of God because there is little evidence of God’s presence in the harsh and cruel world in which we live. How do we relate to a God that allows so much suffering and destruction in the world? It is a question to which I must turn to wiser sages for answers.

In The Triumph of Life: A Narrative Theology of Judaism, Rabbi Irving Greenberg recounted that, while at Tel Aviv University in 1961, his faith was shattered when he immersed himself into the evidence and accounts of the Holocaust. Greenberg could not comprehend how, less than two decades earlier, “such a cruel and catastrophic fate could have been inflicted . . . without any Divine intervention to stop it. . . . If the world was ultimately to live by a moral order, how could God have not intervened?” 

Rabbi Greenberg began a lifelong journey to understand whether religion, including the modern Orthodox Judaism of his upbringing, “had lost all credibility.” He came to believe that the Holocaust happened because the victims were powerless and because the local populations and existing religious order proved incapable of responding to and preventing the atrocities. Indeed, as Greenberg discovered, some people with no faith were more capable than religious people to understand and respond to the Holocaust.

The philosopher Albert Camus, an atheist, described himself yearning and praying in vain for a word from the pope opposing the Final Solution. He expressed his disappointment and disillusion on realizing that being Christian did not make people more likely to support the Resistance. If the Nazis could see themselves as people of faith and see God as integral to their project, if an atheist could understand the absolute need to oppose the horrors of the Final Solution while the pope himself could ignore it, then something must have been wrong with inherited approaches to religion.

Greenberg concluded that we needed a new way of understanding the nature of God and humanity’s relationship with God. After study and reflection, he came to believe that, while God is deeply connected and concerned for humanity, bad things happen because God gave human beings free will and God’s presence is hidden and power self-limited. During the Holocaust, “God was neither absent nor indifferent.” But it is only through human agency, and by humans acting in covenant with God—through acts of kindness, love, and grace—that God’s presence can be felt in this world. It was humanity, not God, that was absent during the Holocaust.

All of us have a conscience, the capacity for love, and the ability to build, create, and uphold life. Thus, every person can repair the world. “Rather than relate to the Divine out of fear, incapacity, or childlike dependency,” wrote Greenberg, “we are to seek God out of our capacity and free will and relate to God out of love and a sense of common cause.” 

Decades before Greenberg, in God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism, Abraham Joshua Heschel similarly professed that God is in search of human partners to participate in the work of redeeming the world. This, according to Heschel, is the fundamental tenet of a covenant between God and humanity. Heschel believed that God is present in the world but hidden from human perception. “Our task is to bring God back in the world. . . . To have faith is to reveal what is concealed.” Tragically, according to Heschel, “the failure of perception, the inability to apprehend [God] directly is the sad paradox of our religious existence.” 

I appreciate Heschel’s notion of a God who is always present but hidden, waiting in the wings for humanity to make space for and be receptive to God’s revealed presence; to understand that life is a gift, and that God demands something of all of us. Humankind’s thirst for power and material wellbeing, its self-centeredness and indifference to the suffering of others, is our undoing. That God granted us free will and unlimited freedom, and that God does not actively intervene in the world, does not mean there is no God, only that humanity has squandered God’s gift of life. 

But even Greenberg and Heschel cannot fully resolve the tenuous nature of faith itself. To believe in God requires a belief in an unknowable and hidden presence. While concepts like “free will” and a “covenant” between God and humanity to repair the world may explain how God can exist despite untold suffering and despair, Greenberg and Heschel leave unresolved many remaining questions. When does God’s hiddenness become indistinguishable from abandonment? If God’s power is self-limited to allow for human free will, are there no depths of human destruction and cruelty that would compel a God of decency and love to intervene? 

In the end, on whether God continues to be alive and present in the world, and to wherein lies our fate, I must agree with the 17th Century French mathematician, philosopher, and Catholic theologian Blaise Pascal:

Just as I do not know where I came from, so I do not know where I am going. All I know is that when I leave this world I shall fall forever into oblivion, or into the hands of [God], without knowing which of the two will be my lot for eternity. Such is my state of mind, full of weakness and uncertainty. The only conclusion I can draw from all this is that I must pass my days without a thought of trying to find out what is going to happen to me. 


  1. Hi Mark,

    You and Art need to ponder the single-cell organism. There is no better proof of a creator than that (as I explained in response to your 2009 post). I’d add there is no religious faith greater than those godless heathens out there who believe in the Big Bang Theory (something sprang from nothing) but deny that a powerful entity did it. Faith in the resurrection is positively scientific compared to that leap of faith!

    I’d recommend two books to you and your brother-in-law: The first is an easy read but monumental in the case for God (and His Son): “Is Atheism Dead?” by Eric Metaxas. The second will give you a headache but is worth the effort: “Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution” by Michael Behe.

    There is zero question that God exists, although what motivates Him will remain debatable (at least for those non-Jesus freaks out there).

    As for your shameful pairing of the Holocaust and Hiroshima, the former occurred because evil exists and good men (like your pal FDR) failed to do a little when a little would have been enough, and the latter happened because God was on our side and let the good men get the bomb before the bad. Then we used it to save the world and millions of people instead of conquering the planet which we could have quickly done.

    Wow, how’s that for brief? You just know it won’t last, don’t you?



    1. Rich,

      Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. Thanks also for the book recommendations. If my non-scientific brain can handle it, I'll take a look at them.

      Although I appreciate your absolute certainty in God's existence, I would respectfully suggest approaching the topic with some humility. Even such intellectual giants as Abraham Joshua Heschel acknowledge that humans are not capable of fully understanding God. And as the French Catholic philosopher Blaise Pascal cautioned, "It is man's natural sickness to believe that he possesses the truth."

      I must respectfully disagree that God is on "our side" when it comes to the development and implementation of technological instruments of mass death and destruction, regardless of how just and righteous one may think is their cause. I know you and I have disagreed in the past about the historical necessity of using the A-bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but if Heschel and Greenberg are correct that God is in search of human partners to repair and redeem the world, I don't think God is looking for partners to facilitate nuclear annihilation or to drop bombs on hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians. The only God worth worshipping is, in my humble opinion, a God of love, understanding, and compassion. Such a God seeks partners to promote peace and oppose war. As the late Jimmy Carter said, "War is sometimes necessary, but it is always evil."

  2. Hi Mark,

    As the saying goes, you’re entitled to your own opinions but not your own facts. Years ago, I sent you this brief and concise commentary on the dropping of the bombs, but presumably, you didn’t watch it. I’d submit that one must be able to disprove the historical facts before dismissing President Truman’s decision as morally wrong. If not, then what you are saying is that the last good Democrat president should have sacrificed more than a million American and Japanese lives rather than drop two bombs killing 200,000 Japanese. That is immoral math of the highest order. Even the Japanese disagree with you, as evidenced by their honoring of the two greatest killers of the Japanese people, Generals LeMay and MacArthur.

    And I’d add that the proof God was on our side is that even you would admit that if Germany or Japan came up with the bomb first, they would have used it for global conquest.

    But I would love to know from whence your idea of God comes because it certainly isn’t the Bible where God chooses sides and routinely wipes entire societies. There is a reason why Jimmy Carter was a horrible president and you illustrate it with his own words. Fighting evil, as in World War II, is not only necessary but commanded by God. To think the enterprise evil on both sides is morally vacuous.



    1. "With God on My Side" by Bob Dylan:

      Oh, my name, it ain't nothin', my age, it means less
      The country I come from is called the Midwest
      I's taught and brought up there, the laws to abide
      And that the land that I live in has God on its side

      Oh, the history books tell it, they tell it so well
      The cavalries charged, the Indians fell
      The cavalries charged, the Indians died
      Oh, the country was young with God on its side

      The Spanish-American War had its day
      And the Civil War too was soon laid away
      And the names of the heroes I was made to memorize
      With guns in their hands and God on their side

      The First World War, boys, it came and it went
      The reason for fightin' I never did get
      But I learned to accept it, accept it with pride
      For you don't count the dead when God's on your side

      The Second World War came to an end
      We forgave the Germans, and then we were friends
      Though they murdered six million, in the ovens they fried
      The Germans now too have God on their side

      I learned to hate the Russians all through my whole life
      If another war comes, it's them we must fight
      To hate them and fear them, to run and to hide
      And accept it all bravely with God on my side

      But now we've got weapons of chemical dust
      If fire them we're forced to, then fire them we must
      One push of the button and they shot the world wide
      And you never ask questions when God's on your side

      Through many dark hour I been thinkin' about this
      That Jesus Christ was betrayed by a kiss
      But I can't think for you, you'll have to decide
      Whether Judas Iscariot had God on his side

      So now as I'm leavin', I'm weary as hell
      The confusion I'm feelin' ain't no tongue can tell
      The words fill my head, and they fall to the floor
      That if God's on our side, he'll stop the next war

  3. And here I was thinking that "Imagine" was the worst song ever written. Live and learn.

  4. All I will share at this moment is I totally understand the struggle of is there really a God and is she/he listening to me or in any way trying to get us to live with compassion and love and service for all?


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